bASES21 – A Model for the Auto-Assessment of 21th Century Skills in the Context of Teaching Computing in K-12
In today’s knowledge society, knowing how to interpret, search, communicate and share new information are key skills for a successful citizen. Such skills, known as 21st century skills, include critical thinking, teamwork, communication, among others. Currently, there are several proposals on how to integrate the learning of these skills in basic education, including through the teaching of computing. Yet, based on the hypothesis that teaching computing can contribute to the learning of 21st century skills, there is few systematically evidence available to support this claim. One reason for this absence is the lack of 21st century skills assessment models.
bASES21 is a model for assessing 21st century skills in the context of computing education in K-12. The model bASES21 V2.0 was systematically developed including a self-assessment questionnaire as measurement instrument and a google sheet to facilitate the analysis of the collected data.
The assessment in terms of reliability and validity of the measurement instrument, based on 394 responses from students in K-12, indicates a high internal reliability (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.94). However, the questionnaire has many items correlated with items of other skills, and few skills have demonstrated a good internal correlation. The results of the exploratory factor analysis confirm the need for a reorganization of the items in a reduced number of factors. Thus, the model was restructured, reducing the initial 13 factors to 4 factors.
As a result, version 2.0 of the model features a questionnaire with 56 items organized into 4 skills using the 4-point Likert scale.
The collected data is analyzed to obtain information about the students’ 21st century skills. To facilitate the analysis, an analysis model was developed using a google sheet and a user manual. From the data entered, the spreadsheet automatically calculates the frequency of responses and the median for each item of the measuring instrument.
More information
Martins-Pacheco, L. H.; Degering, L. P.; Mioto, F.; Gresse von Wangenheim, C.; Borgatto, A. F.; Petri, G. Improvements in bASES21: 21st-Century Skills Assessment Model to K12. In: Proc. of the 21th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Prague/Czech Republic, 2020, Pages 297–310.
L. P. Degering, F. Mioto, C. Gresse von Wangenheim, A. F. Borgatto, L. H. M. Pacheco, G.Petri. bASES21 V2.0 – Um Modelo para a Autoavaliação de Habilidades do Século XXI no Contexto do Ensino de Computação na Educação Básica. Relatório Técnico INCoD/GQS-TR011.2019.P, INCoD/INE/UFSC, Florianópolis, Brazil, 2019.
Degering, L. P. Avaliação do Modelo de Avaliação de Habilidades do Século XXI no Contexto do Ensino da Computação na Educação Básica. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso. (Graduação em Sistemas de Informação) – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.
Mioto F.; Petri, G.; Gresse von Wangenheim,C.; Borgatto, A. F. Pacheco, L. H. M. bASES21 – Um Modelo para a Autoavaliação de Habilidades do Século XXI no Contexto do Ensino de Computação na Educação Básica. Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, 27(1), 2019.
Mioto, F.. Desenvolvimento de um Modelo de Avaliação de Habilidades do Século XXI no Contexto do Ensino da Computação na Educação Básica. 2018. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso. (Graduação em Sistemas de Informação) – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.
Escola Básica Municipal Almirante Carvalhal – Florianópolis
Escola de Educação Básica São Tarcísio – São Bonifácio
IFSC – São José
IFSC – Florianópolis
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Colégio Politécnico – UFSM