Apps developed in the Young Tutors Programming Project
As one of the objectives of the Young Programming Tutors project, selected students from Prof.ª Herondina Medeiros Zeferino Basic School were trained to develop mobile applications during the project.
Each of the Young Tutors received training and follow-up on how to develop their own applications, including Design Thinking concepts, UX / interface design, and programming. The training was given by professors and researchers of the Computação na Escola initiative and with the monitoring and support to the development of the applications was carried out by volunteer professionals of the sponsoring company Involves Tecnologia e Inovação with the aid of undergraduate and graduate students of the initiative Computação na Escola of INCoD / INE / UFSC.
Young Tutors were instructed to address school and local community issues through application development. Applications have been designed, modeled, and developed, and as a result of the project, are ready for initial use.
In addition to the Young Tutors, a school physical education teacher also got involved in the project and developed his own application to address a specific day-to-day school need.
The following applications have been developed:
1. App: Mathfull
Quiz containing the four mathematical operations that can be used by elementary school students
Developed by: Richard de Souza Bercheli (9th grade student at Prof.ª Herondina Medeiros Zeferino)
App Inventor Sources: Mathfull_AIA
2. App: Info Herondina
Application with the aim of facilitating communication between family and school professionals, where each family member will know exactly who the professionals are and the functions they perform in school.
Developed by: Nicolas Pedroso (9th grade student of Prof.ª Herondina Medeiros Zeferino)
Download: InfoHerondina.
App Inventor Sources: InfoHerondina_AIA
3. Aplicativo: Veganizando
App that features educational information about vegetarians and vegans, and nutritional values of meatless foods.
Developed by: Júlia Sena Amaral da Silva (9th grade student at Prof.ª Herondina Medeiros Zeferino)
App Inventor Sources: Veganismo_AIA
4. Aplicativo: EducPortifólio
Application developed for educational purposes, which allows a daily record that the teacher can use to save the situation-moment of the class easily through speech, letting the application turn the voice into writing. This record can then be saved and emailed, generating a trustworthy record that often could have gone unnoticed.
The app was awarded on 1st. (category II) and won the Excellence Award in Scientific Initiation at FEBIC 2017 – Brazilian Science Initiation Fair.
Developed by: Lauriano Warth (Professor of Physical Education at Prof.ª Herondina Medeiros Zeferino)
Apps Programming Workshops held at school
Also as a result of the project, the Young Tutors and volunteer professionals with the support of the Computação na Escola team carried out three workshops to introduce apps programming, using the teaching material of the Computação na Escola, teaching more than 50 students of the School Prof.ª Herondina Medeiros Zeferino.
Companies/organizations interested in sponsoring other projects of Young Tutors can contact the Computação na Escola initiative via telephone (48) 3721-7380 / (48) 3721-4715 or email: