Workshop – Coding a game with Scratch

Hands-on programming workshop in which children enter the computing world learning how to create interactive games using Scratch, a graphical programming language developed at the MIT Media Lab.


During the workshop participants learn to program the mouse game ( Step-by-step the participants learn how to develop the game in order to familiarize participants with basic programming concepts and Scratch.


Duration: 3 hours

Age: 8-14 years


  • Hardware:
    • Computer with monitor (minimum of de 14 inches), keyboard and mouse
    • Internet access
    • Multimedia projector
  • Software:
    • Browser: Firefox or Chrome
    • Operating system: Linux Educacional (version 4 or higher), Linux (any 32 bits distribution), Windows (XP or higher) or Mac OS (version 10 or higher)
    • Optional: Adobe Air and SCRATCH off-line installed on the computers

We are sharing the teaching material of the unit for non-commercial applications  (Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual 4.0 Internacional). Currently the material is available only in Brazilian Portuguese.

Reference: Gresse von Wangenheim, C.;  von Wangenheim, A. Teaching Game Programming in Family Workshops. IEEE Computer Magazine, 47(8), August 2014.
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual 4.0 Internacional. Warranty disclaimer