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Create Apps


App Inventor 2  is an open-source web application originally developed by Google, and now maintained by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). To create your app, you only need a browser (eg. Chrome , Firefox, Safari , etc. – not Internet Explorer), a free Google account and an internet connection to download your apps to an Android device (phone or tablet) using a wireless network. You can share your app in the gallery for free or upload to Google Play (in this case there is a fee to register as a developer).

Our workshops and courses teaching app development

Mosquito Game 3 hours workshop Algorithms and programming concepts and practices
Make your first app 15 hours course Algorithms and programming and visual design concepts and practices
Make your own app 15 hours course Algorithms and programming, software engineering, design thinking and visual design concepts and practices
Visual design workshop 3-4 hours workshop Visual design concepts and practices
App development (teacher training) 40 hours course Algorithms and programming, software engineering, design thinking and visual design concepts and practices, pedagocial and technological aspects

Computational action and design thinking

We adopt an instructional strategy with a focus on computational action (Tissenbaum et al., 2019). Computational action is a new framework for teaching computing, proposing that, while students learn about computing, they also have the opportunity to create computational solutions that have a direct impact on their lives and their communities.

Automated Assessment

Assess your app online with CodeMaster with respect to algorithms and programming concepts and user interface design and visual aesthetics.

Resources supporting the app development

The web tool Sketch2aia effectively and efficiently supports teaching user interface design by automatically transforming a sketch into a wireframe . Sketch2aia employs deep learning to detect the user interface components and their position in a hand-drawn sketch, and automatically generates the App Inventor code for the respective wireframe.

Find out more about our experiences

Interested in to know more about our research?

Check out our publications here.


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