Create Robots

One of the most interesting areas is physical computing that involves modeling processes and creativity with computer components. Sound, light or temperature sensors, combined with LEDs, servomotors or speakers are used in physical computer to interact with the environment. You can make your robot blink its eyes , shake hands or even say “meow”, which enriches the experience and makes technology more interesting. It is fascinating to see the winning objects life!

How does it work?

Projetos de computação física geram protótipos práticos e funcionais. Existe um processo na criação do projeto que envolve: criar um programa, executá-lo, buscar por erros, dividir o programa em partes para analisar tais erros e encontrar uma solução.

Physical computing projects generate practical and functional prototypes. The process to create the project involves : creating a computer program, run it, check for errors and find a solution .

All this is done by integrating a programming language such as  Scratch/Snap! and Arduino as a low-cost solution that at the same time is easy and fascinating to learn computing.

Scratch e Snap! são linguagens de programação visual com crianças podem programar e compartilhar mídias interativas, tais como histórias, jogos e animações com pessoas do mundo inteiro. Criando com o Scratch ou Snap!, elas aprendem a pensar criativamente, trabalhar de forma colaborativa, e pensar de forma sistemática e lógica.

Scratch and Snap! are visual programming languages that children can learn to program and share interactive media, such as stories , games and animations with people around the world. Creating with Scratch or Snap!, they learn to think creatively, work collaboratively, and to reason in a systematic and logical way.

Try it out: Make your super-hero robot

Using as base a puppet, diverse types of characters can be created: Interactive Puppets (Scratch + Arduino):


Video of the initial pilot on the definition of the Physical Computing Workshop.


More ideas/tutorials for teaching physical computing using Arduino and a conventional protoboard

  1. Using Puppets and Bidirectional Communication: Talking Tom with Arduino and Scratch 
  2. Build and Program a Remote-controlled Car via bluetooth
  3. Mobile Robotics with Scratch: Build an Arduino-based insect-like Walker and program it with Scratch


Carro-herbart-bt3.JPG Carro de montar controlado via Bluetooth  300roboscratch
Attobeest-logo.jpg Robô Quadrúpede Bluetooth Kleerhangerbeest-logo.pngProgramação de Robótica Móvel

Want to Teach?

Look at our Physical Computing Workshop with a complete set of materials, from Teaching Plan, Materials and Software List to Evaluation Questionnaires


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Check out our publications here.