Congratulations to Marcelo and all the co-authors for the article awarded as the best research article by EduComp 2023:
Marcelo F. Rauber, Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim, Adriano F. Borgatto, Ramon M. Martins. Análise do desempenho de aprendizagem de Machine Learning na Educação Básica aplicando a Teoria de Resposta ao Item. In: Anais do III Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação, online, Brasil, 2023.
The article presents results of research carried out as part of Marcelo’s PhD at PPGCC/INE/UFSC in the context of the initiative Computação na Escola/INCoD/INE/UFSC.
AssessmentItem Response TheoryK-12Machine Learning
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Educação básicaInteligência ArtificialMachine Learning
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Aprendizagem profundaavaliaçãoMachine Learning
Now available online: Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim, Jean C. R. Hauck, Fernando S. Pacheco, Matheus F. Bertonceli Bueno. Visual Tools for Teaching Machine Learning in K-12: A Ten-Year Systematic Mapping, Education and Information Technologies, 2021.
The article is the result of research carried out by the initiative Computação na Escola/INCoD/INE/UFSC and PET/INE/UFSC in cooperation with IFSC/Florianópolis.
Computing educationK-12Machine Learningvisual tool
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app inventorMachine LearningPIC
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Educação básicaMachine Learning
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Aprendizagem profundaEducação básicaEnsino de computaçãoInteligência ArtificialMachine Learning